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dress rehearsal造句

"dress rehearsal"是什么意思  
  • At least one dress rehearsal should be performed in dark twilight .
  • The earlier revolts had just been dress rehearsals for full-scale revolution .
  • The audience behaved indecorously as if the concert were an informal dress rehearsal .
  • No dress rehearsal in our life , every day was a field pickup
  • At the dress rehearsal she was disconsolate
  • The dress rehearsal didn ' t go too well
  • Hong kong youth chinese orchestra members at the dress rehearsal
  • Life is not a dress rehearsal , and that today is the only quarantee you get
  • Attend to dress rehearsal and preview " the nutcracker " by hong kong ballet
  • Invitations to dress rehearsals , lecture demonstrations and visits to art institutes
  • It's difficult to see dress rehearsal in a sentence. 用dress rehearsal造句挺难的
  • Why don ' t we set up everything today and do a dress rehearsal , so we can be sure there are no snags
  • To get ready for the 2000 census , the census bureau has conducted dress rehearsals in three sites around the united states
  • They were there for a dress rehearsal for the final of a competition sponsored by btv , which is exclusively open to foreigners
  • On the other hand , the sell - off in may and june may be a dress rehearsal for what is in store if concerns about the global economy mount
    另一方面,如果对全球经济的关注增加的话, 5月和6月的下跌也许只是一个彩排。
  • I learned to love the journey , not the destination . i learned that it is not a dress rehearsal , and that today is the only guarantee you get
  • Deaf artists from the china disabled people ' s performing art troupe dance during a dress rehearsal for their show “ my dream ” in madrid jan . 3 , 2007
    单看图片,您就知道,这是曾经惊艳春晚的“千手观音” 。 1月3日,由78名成员组成的中国残疾人艺术团正式亮相西班牙首都马德里。图片显示的是该剧组大型音乐舞蹈《我的梦》彩排现场。
如何用dress rehearsal造句,用dress rehearsal造句dress rehearsal in a sentence, 用dress rehearsal造句和dress rehearsal的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。